Challenge Coins, for much of our modern history; have been used mostly by military personnel to commemorate their service and to boost morale while on the mission. Recently however, Challenge Coins have begun to be used by many different institutions to serve various ends. Challenge Coins are now being used by police officers, firefighters, hospitals, government agencies and corporations to show unity within their ranks. This greater popularity amongst new realms of this relatively new product is an embodiment of the notion that people like to show unity as a part of something larger than them, and, they also like to add their own personal touch to the product such as logos, catch phrases, pictures, numbers or particular edgings. This personal touch creates even greater unity amongst the organization because this personal touch is a manifestation of the ideals with which that organization lives by. In light of this newfound popularity, it is unsurprising that challenge coins have found a way to slip into the realm of marriage.

As peculiar as it may seem, soon to be newlyweds have found challenge coins to be a particularly useful souvenir for guests. It is not uncommon for the newlyweds to have on their unique coins offset printed images of themselves, their identification with a particular branch of the military or simply the date of the wedding.

Furthermore, great portions of the people who make wedding challenge coins for their weddings are active or retired military personnel. Undoubtedly, wedding guests, as they take the coins back home with them ponder the possibility of, if they are unmarried, using Wedding Challenge Coins as a souvenir at their weddings, or perhaps another occasion they have come their way.  This is perhaps how wedding challenge coins have become so popular.


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